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Sustainable & Integrated Urban Transport Systems Step 3 (HITS 3)

A hits truck in the Old Town

The main objective of this continuation of the HITS project is to further develop, implement, and scale up the solutions previously tested in areas like Sustainable Distribution, Secure Deliveries, Seamless Deliveries and Scaling and Dissemination. The project consortium includes stakeholders across the electrified long-distance transport value chain, such as transport buyers, haulage companies, grid and charging operators, terminal owners, vehicle manufacturers, and research organisations.

Project description

Sustainable & Integrated Urban Transport Systems Step 3 (HITS 3) builds on the challenges and needs addressed by previous HITS projects, such as reducing urban congestion and enabling more efficient and safer deliveries for both society and business stakeholders. The main objective is to further develop, implement, and scale up the solutions previously tested:

  • Sustainable Distribution: Further develop and evaluate sustainable freight transport in cities through consolidation, which increases efficiency and reduces the number of vehicle movements required to transport the same or larger volumes.
  • Secure Deliveries: Improve safety during loading and unloading processes, including off-peak hours, to enhance transport efficiency and improve working conditions.
  • Seamless Deliveries: Create flexible and sustainable freight transport through interoperable systems and efficient automated processes for loading, unloading, and delivery, including for unmanned deliveries.
  • Scaling and Dissemination: Evaluate opportunities to implement and disseminate sustainable solutions to other geographical areas.

HITS 3 aligns closely with FFI’s (Strategic Vehicle research and Innovation) roadmaps to promote fossil-free, efficient, safe, and equitable transport solutions that are also anchored with users and society. The project takes a broad systems approach in line with FFI Accelerate, focusing on aspects such as behaviour, business models, technology, processes and infrastructure, as well as policy and regulations. The main users of the demonstrated solutions include transport operators, other logistics actors, property owners, cities, and municipalities.


The project employs an agile methodology with the ambition to demonstrate and evaluate multiple logistics solutions in real-world environments.

Project facts


Lindholmen Science Park/CLOSER is project coordinator. Project partners are: AMF Fastigheter, Dagab, Havilog, Logistikbolaget, Ragn-Sells, Scania, Vasakronan, and ViaEuropa; public sector: the City of Stockholm and the City of Sundbyberg; and academia: IVL, KTH, and RISE. In addition, around ten stakeholders – including municipalities, regions, municipal companies, and industry and interest organisations – are involved as supporting partners.


Total budget of approximately 38 million SEK, of which 19 million SEK consists of public funding.


The project is expected to run from January 2025 to December 2026.

Project contacts

Mia Hesselgren
Mia Hesselgren assistant professor, researcher
Diana Saleh
Diana Saleh doctoral student
Anna Pernestål
Anna Pernestål director