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About ITRL

We envision a future where society's need for accessible and affordable transportation is met by safe, clean, efficient, and sustainable systems. We have made our mission to drive the transition to integrated and sustainable road transport systems. Through multidisciplinary research and close collaboration with our partners, we build and share knowledge on leveraging new technologies to achieve this transformation.

Enablingthe transition towards integrated andsustainableroad transport

In 2024, ITRL celebrated a decade of pioneering advancements in sustainable transport systems. This milestone marked a renewed commitment to shaping the future of mobility. ITRL was conceived out of a need for integrated, multidisciplinary research and demonstration to find solutions to transport challenges, and to better understand their role in the ongoing shift towards sustainable transport systems.

Partners also recognized that the traditional view of transport and business models leads to sub-optimization and rebound effects that does not realize the full potential of new solutions and could have unintended consequences.

To overcome these challenges, an integrated and holistic system-level perspective has been a defining factor for ITRL. Our joint efforts have showed the need to continue integrated transport research in ambitious projects engaging multiple stakeholders.

With a growing portfolio of impactful projects, new research initiatives, and an expanding knowledge base, ITRL remains committed to bridging academia, industry, and public stakeholders to drive system-level transformation in transport. This report outlines the center’s progress, key achievements, and the road ahead as we continue to challenge conventional paradigms and create a sustainable, integrated transport future.

The ITRL Setup

ITRL does integrated transport systems research through creation and coordination of several research projects funded by ITRL directly or externally. These projects vary in size and scope, but all are aligned with the ITRL research program.

The Importance of Sustainable Transport

The Importance of Stakeholders

ITRL – The Integrated Transport Research Lab is a well-established, highly renowned KTH research center in collaboration with Scania, Region Stockholm, and Trafikverent, focusing on transdisciplinary research on sustainable road transport systems.