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Ongoing Projects

Here you will find a selection of our ongoing projects. We try to include as much information as we can, describing why we have started a project, what we hope to achieve, and who is involved. You can find contact details on the project page of who is responsible and get in touch with us if you would like to know more.

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5G Ride – Control Tower

Develop and test technology to create functions in the control tower for safe implementation of driverless vehicles on public roads.

CORD – Cognitive assessment of Remote Drive

This pre-study will test a new approach based on Neuroscience-AI to see how it could be used in the context of semi-autonomous and remote driving.

Campus 2030

Smarter transportation on a digital campus. A digital Digital Twin of the road infrastructure that enables a dynamic interaction with users via Augmented Reality (AR) case-studies on campus.

Digital Services for Connected Freight Transportation: Exploring User Needs and Possible Solutions

This project explores how digital services can substitute physical infrastructure in freight transport, what socio-economic benefits they provide, and the conditions required for successful implementation. By identifying key digital solutions and evaluating their potential impact, the project aims to support the transition towards a more efficient, safe, and sustainable freight transport system.

Drive Sweden Business Model Lab

Automated connected vehicles and mobility services have the potential to create new business opportunities within the transport sector. Conversely, developments in these fields pressurize current business models and open the door for radical changes and the entry of new actors.

EFFECT (ChEss Machines For ElectriFiEd Construction SiTes)

DALL·E 3 by prompt: “Digital chess board where the figures are electrical construction equipment (ch
Image: DALL·E 3 by prompt: “Digital chess board where the figures are electrical construction equipment (charger, battery, solar cell, excavator, front loader) and some of the fields have piles of material (rocks, sand), dug out holes and buildings under construction.”

The EFFECT project aims to develop a digital twin of electrified construction site resources, processes, and their dependencies to evaluate the potential cost and benefit of best-practice electrification of a construction site. The digital twin will be tested in an urban renewal project of 1200 apartments in Södermalm, Stockholm.


The ELKOLL project aims to increase our understanding of how e-scooters are used and what the alternatives for travelers would have been, had they not chosen to use an e-scooter.


The project aims at building knowledge on potentials and barriers for integrating autonomous vehicles without drivers in future public transport systems, and to understand how shared transport solutions can become preferred by more people. 

HITS 2024

HITS vision is to increase system efficiency in terms of increased use of vehicles and infrastructure. The project aims to accelerate the development of an efficient and sustainable urban freight transport system

IOD-PT - Inclusive On-Demand Public Transport: exploring user needs and possible solutions

Värmlandstrafik workers posing by X-linjen vehicles
Värmlandstrafik workers posing by X-linjen vehicles

In this project, led by KTH Royal Institute of Technology, along with our project partners RISE, Nobina & Värmlandstrafik, we wish to study the case of an established on-demand public transportation service, in preparation for subsequently designing concepts for inclusive on-demand public transport. For the study, we chose a transportation service in the town of Säffle, called X-linjen, operational since 2022.

LOLA – Cost-benefit Optimized Charging Infrastructure

This project models, integrates, and evaluates the impact of power production and distribution costs on optimal electric charging infrastructure placement. It explores cost variability, correlations, and their effects on placement, mix, and sizing.

MERGEN – Multi-purpose biometric Evaluation Research tool Grounded in Emerging Network technologies

MERGEN is a project in which we try to better understand by what factors, and how, remotely operating drivers are affected by their surroundings and situations. The work revolves around gathering physical data to understand the psychophysiological connection between the activities of the driver and their cognitive load and stress levels.

MUST - methods for Managing deep Uncertainty in planning for Sustainable Transport

The accelerating technological development mean that long-term foresight about the transport system is associated with deep uncertainty. In MUST, transport planning challenges characterized by deep uncertainty will be identified and tools and methods will be developed to provide decision support for the design of more robust strategies for a sustainable future transport system.

PREDICTing and evaluating driveability and performance of zero emission heavy duty vehicles (PREDICT)

Picture showing four fields with correlations between them.
Picture showing four fields, horizontal: virtual testing, physical testing and vertical: subjective assessment, objective metrics. The project will work on finding methods and correlations between these.

The PREDICT project aims to develop tools and methods for assessment of energy consumption and performance, as well as the driveability of new fossil-free powertrain concepts in the early stages of the development process. Driveability and understanding how it is affected is important, because the longitudinal motion control for efficient driving is not always a comfortable or natural behavior for drivers or passengers.


The PRESTO, Predictive Quality-of-Service Management for Transport Services, project is to provide predictions of spatio-temporal network capacity, coverage and quality-of-service along streets. To realize such predictions, PRESTO will investigate, use and extend machine learning techniques to predict throughput and quality of service.

PSSST – Policies for sustainable, shared self-driving transportation

ITRL has previously investigated the impacts of self-driving technology on the region of Stockholm and on the public transport system in the project. To expand on this project, Region Stockholm has funded a project aimed at investigating policies that may be relevant in the case of a wide-spread adoption of self-driving vehicles.

REDO – Remote Driving Operation

A project aiming to support deployment of new services and vehicles for remote driving to the market and make new applications of automation possible.

REDO2 - Remote automated vehicle operation 2

The main results from REDO2 will be prerequisites, tools, methods, and demonstrations of remote operation of road vehicles. Furthermore, the project includes comprehensive studies to give valuable scientific results on operational requirements of remote operation and its complex interaction within the systems, as well as advice and overview on regulation and laws.

RoSE - Learning in Routing Games for Sustainable Electromobility

Making traffic routing for commercial operators more sustainable by accounting for electromobility, operational costs, infrastructure condition deterioration, and environmental externalities.


Systematic Evaluations and Assessments of MaaS – Leading towards Sustainable Solutions. The project uses an evaluation framework developed within the KOMPIS project to assess environmental, economic and social impacts at three levels – micro (traveller), meso (organisation) and macro (city, region, country).


The project examines the system-level societal and environmental impacts of mobile connectivity in transport systems and services. By analyzing technical requirements and costs, it aims to identify challenges and opportunities for sustainable deployment, adoption and usage of these systems and services.

STIFF – System Transformation for Uptime for Driverless vehicles

A project studying fault-handling systems in driverless transport systems. The focus is on how to address the several critical aspects of removing the driver that will affect the measurement of the vehicle's functional state.

Social robots accelerating the transition to sustainable transport

A social robot with neutral facial expression looking at a passenger in a driverless bus.
Furhat is able to non-verbally connect with this passenger of a driverless bus by using amongst others eye gaze and neck movement. (picture taken by Tobias Bolin, KTH)

The driverless bus has many advantages, being for example a decrease in the number of accidents and a reduction in carbon emissions. But taking the driver out of the vehicle also means that there is no longer physical supervision in the bus, nor is there a point of contact for questions from passengers. Social robots could be a viable opportunity to substitute the interpersonal aspect of the bus driver.

Stockholm Digital Parking

Photo by Waldemar Brandt on Unsplash

Today, mapping out and updating databases of street parking locations and availability is done using costly manual processes or infrastructure sensors. This project explores the viability of crowd-sensing street parking availability by employing smartphone-equipped taxi fleets.


The TRACER project is expected to accelerate the electrification of the heavy freight transport industry and the realization of the positive effects thereof by deriving transport electrification scenarios that maximize the benefit and minimize the cost of electrification for all stakeholders.

Urban Logistik Barkarby

How does the future sustainable flows of goods in and out of the city look like? How do we use the space in our city optimally? What transport vehicles will we use and how can the city’s return flows of different materials best be utilized? Those are some of the questions we are investigating in the project Urban Logistics Barkarby, which aims to create a circular solution for logistics in the city.

WASP Bridge

Intelligent Intersections: Enhanced Awareness and Safe Coordination for 5G-Connected Traffic.