Become a member

Who can be a member?
ITRL members are faculty, researchers and students that are active in the areas of:
- Integrated road transport system-of-systems
- Electrified transport systems
- Connected and supervised transport
- Innovative logistics, mobility and vehicle concepts
ITRL Senior member: faculty and researchers with KTH affiliation.
ITRL Associate member: adjunct/affiliated faculty, R&D personnel from partner organizations and faculty at other universities and academic institutions with active engagement in ITRL
ITRL Junior member: PhD students, PostDocs, junior research engineers from KTH and/or affiliated with partner organizations.
Why become a member?
- Join the effort to make true impact for sustainable transport together with ITRL and our partners.
- Be part of our network of researchers and professionals in integrated transport systems.
- Be actively involved in the organization and management of ITRL.
- Initiate, lead and take part in research activities associated with ITRL.
- Get access to building for interaction, meetings, and events.
- Get access to labs for research, experiments, and demonstrations.
- Get access to partner network, events, and seminars.
- Apply for co-funding for research projects and other activities (when available).
Member expectations
- Engage yourself and your group in ITRL activities.
- Be visible with photo, name, and affiliation at ITRL webpage and other channels.
- Use ITRL as an additional affiliation in publications and other outreach activities (when appropriate).
- Disseminate your research via ITRL seminars, round-tables, newsletters, webpage, and social media.
How to apply?
Fill out the membership application form below. Applications are handled by the ITRL Management group, normally within a few weeks.