KOMPIS releases its final project report
The first stage of the KOMPIS project comes to an end as they present their final report. The project started in 2017, and aims to support the emergence of combined mobility in Sweden by creating favourable conditions and reducing barriers for the development and implementation of combined mobility services.
The KOMPIS strategy (färdplan) has been discussed with and established in a range of different authorities and municipalities, as well as actors in the private sector. The project has supported implementation of combined mobility services in a commercial context, as well as support pilots in new types of services.
KOMPIS, short for Kombinerad Mobilitet Som Tjänst I Sverige is a project initiated by the Government's collaboration group for Next Generation Travel and Transport, and is a project under Drive Sweden, funded by Vinnova.
The next stage, KOMPIS 2.0, is expected to start this year and will focus on scaling up combined mobility and improving existing services.