Albin Engholm successfully defends his licentiate thesis on driverless trucks

Researcher Albin Engholm sucessfully defended his licentiate thesis on June 9th at ITRL. The thesis provides an analysis of future impacts on the transport system and the emerging innovation system.
Titled "Driverless trucks in the Swedish freight transport system" the thesis aims to increase the understanding of how an introduction of driverless trucks could materialize and impact the freight transport system.
What is the next step for this research?
"Hopefully, I will continue with research on the impacts of driverless vehicles. I will now focus more on how we should deal with the many uncertainties related to this technology when making model-based analysis of its impacts and how it affects the sustainability of road freight transport."
How will you celebrate?
"We had some celebration with food and drinks at ITRL directly after the seminar which was really nice. Unfortunately due to Covid we could not be that many persons there, so I hope to be able to celebrate with more colleagues after summer. Also, I am turning 30 in a few weeks, so I am saving some of my party-energy for that."
Driverless trucks in the Swedish freight transport system (DiVA)