Resource Efficient Vehicle conference 2021 - abstract submission now open!
Resolving Functional Conflicts in Vehicle Design
The first Resource Efficient Vehicles conference – rev2021 – will be organised on 14 – 16 June 2021. Abstract submission is now open until 18 december 2020!
The conference aims to provide a platform for people from academia, industry and public agencies for the discussion of research from various fields, all being connected to resource efficiency in all motorised modes of transport and interdependent surrounding systems. The conference is organised by the Centre for ECO2 Vehicle Design at KTH and supported by various industry partners.
Rev2021 will be organised fully online and will use the latest available online conference tools to make the event with workshop, group discussions, presentations and lectures a dynamic and interactive experience. Abstract submission is now open and the deadline is 18 december. For more information, please visit the rev2021 website !