Popular Science: Key barriers in MaaS development and implementation
Recently ITRL hosted a breakfast seminar on our latest publication: Key barrier in MaaS development and implementation: Lessons learned from testing Corporate MaaS (CMaaS). Now we have also interviewed Mia about the article and asked her various questions, ranging from about the approach they have taken to implications for the future.
Recently ITRL hosted a breakfast seminar on our latest publication: Key barrier in MaaS development and implementation: Lessons learned from testing Corporate MaaS (CMaaS) . The article is written by various researchers with different research backgrounds, resulting in a unique research publication because of its interdisciplinary and system thinking approach. It was for example concluded that while some identified barriers in the development and implementation of MaaS were dominating, some barriers were merely symptoms of larger, underlying issues. These are important outcomes for implementing MaaS succesfully in the future!
Now we have also interviewed Mia about the article and asked her various questions, ranging from about the approach they have taken to implications for the future. Read the full interview here !