Albin & Lina present at Swedish Transportation Research Conference
On October 21st the ninth Swedish Transportation Research Conference took place. Various of our researchers participated in the event, and two of them were invited to present their own findings and insights.
Albin Engholm gave a presentation about 'Impacts of driverless and electric trucks on climate targets: a system dynamics approach in which he explained about the development of a model that analyses long-term impacts of driverless and electric trucks on the CO2 emissions of the Swedish freight transport. Lina Rylander gave her presentation titled 'Fault detection and troubleshooting of driverless trucks - learning from the driver’s role today'. She elaborated on how drivers nowadays participate in fault detection and troubleshooting of conventional trucks, of which understanding is crucial in order to design an adequately performing diagnosis system for driverless vehicles.
A short review of the day can be found here , or feel free to contact Albin and Lina !