Fordonsdalen Stockholm Press Release Event
ITRL is hosting, and welcoming, project Fordonsdalen and their presentation on the examination of region Stockholms small and medium sized companies in the vehicle industry.
Time: Wed 2021-06-16 08.30 - 09.30
Location: Zoom (Passcode: 1313)

What are the hallmarks of the vehicle industry in Stockholm? The transport system and vehicle industry is quickly transforming towards e.g. more electrified, digitalised, and connected solutions. What challenges and opportunities are there? How can the actors oin the region support the vehicle industry's competitiveness in the shift to a more sustainable transport system?
These are some of the questions Fordonsdalen Stockholm is aiming to answer, a collaborative project between KTH and Region Stockholm, funded by the European Regional Development Fund. The goal is to strengthen the vehicle industry in the Stockholm region.
For more information about the event,
The presentation will be held in swedish.